Blog #1 Sept. 21, 2007
So far Intermediate Computer Science has been a informative class. I have learned how to operate dream weaver and how to use it to make sites so much more powerful then simple HTML notepad sites. My least favorite thing has been the tedious explanations that occur from time to time. I like how the class is very open ended and the days agenda revolves around the programs that need to be written that day. I would change the class so that we would have even more time at the computers to work out site management issues. One of the more interesthing things that has happened is that I have found programming to be a breeze. The best thing about summer break was going to Mexico and the lack of school =D.
Blog # 2 Sept. 28, 2007
I really like programming, for it is simple when you simplify your thinking process. The computer follows simple linear steps, and once you are able to understand which commands do what, you can create the programs with the ease. The two biggest mistakes I see people make are to write overly complicated programs that a compter cannot follow and a large variety of small mistakes. I have used Javascript before and find it to be an easy to use program. Mr. Styner explains everything very well and should not change. The nest thing that has happened to me has been making very good friends who are very supportive.
